The shift to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) away from litigation has been swift and substantial since the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (now amended) had effect.

Since the Scheme for Construction Contracts (England and Wales) Regulations 1998 (now amended) gave implied Adjudication rules the explosion of ADR has been unstoppable. Robert J Shawyer Ltd have experience as advising upon, drafting submissions and acting as Party advocates in Expert Determination, Mediation, Conciliation, Adjudication and Arbitration matters.

The international interest of Dispute Review Boards and Dispute Adjudication Boards has also been met by Robert J Shawyer Ltd. If you have a dispute referable to ADR or a variation to traditional ADR techniques then we have the knowledge and experience to advise you on procedure, risk, cost and merit of your dispute.

We can draft or assist you in drafting submissions; present your case in hearings or quasi hearings; prepare and present defences to claims against you and advise on strategy during and post procedure.

If you envisage being involved or you are involved in an ADR matter then we have the experience and knowledge to assist you.  Our team has dealt with circa 350 ADR matters in most Construction sectors such within Civil Engineering and Building dealing with PFI, Framework, Main Contract, Sub-Contract, Consultant agreements; in respect of not least industrial, commercial, retail, housing, infrastructure, energy, maritime, gas and oil, nuclear energy, domestic, local and central government, mechanical, electrical, structural, steel and timber frame related matters.